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                Production base


                Wumei Biotechnology
                About us

                Zhejiang Wumei Biotechnology Co., Ltd.


                Zhejiang Wumei Biotechnology Co., Ltd.  is located in the hometown of the famous drama theorist in Qing Dynasty---Li Yu. Situated in the upper reaches of Qiantang River, Lanxi is an important industrial town in the middle of Zhejiang province with excellent industrial base. It enjoys a convenient transportation for Hangjinqu expressway, Hangxinjing expressway, national highway 330 and Jinqian railway run across this area. The company occupies a total area of 12,000 square meters including 8,000 square meters factory building.

                Established at the early of 21st century, our company mainly produces and sells glycerol monostearate, isopropyl palmitate (isobutyl palmitate), isopropyl myristate,Isopropyl laurate, GTCC, food/cosmetics additive, surfactants, thickeners and bactericides. It also acts as agency for other chemical materials or products. With the famous trademark of "Wumei", it is one of the enterprises with manufacturing license approved by Zhejiang Sanitation Office. Our company owns powerful technical strength, fine equipment, advanced technique, complete test method, strict quality control. It has received the quality certification of ISO9000.

                Guided by the idea of "taking credit as basis, skillful & excellent, mutual development", our company would like to keep cooperative relationship with new and existing friends for bright future!